By Justin Swyers




It was the night of the Invitational Dress Rehearsal, so the hour was later than usual because the director had gone through a detailed critique with the cast after the performance. Ray didn’t mind the late hour because his apartment was less than two blocks from the theater. His friend Larry, who lived farther away, had already decided to spend the night with Ray since it was a Friday night and he didn’t have to get up early to go to work. Their friend Neil, also in the cast, was trying to decide what to do.

“You know you’re welcome to crash at my place rather than make that long drive home.” said Ray reassuringly.

“Well, I’m tempted,” said Neil in a tentative tone. “You have an extra bed?”

“Uh, not exactly. It’s a futon with an extra blanket, but I think it’s fairly comfortable. As a clincher Ray added, “And I’ve got some left-over pizza in the freezer and a six-pack!”

“Sold!” said Neil decisively as the three friends set out on the short walk to Ray’s apartment.

“Man, it’s cold!” Larry exclaimed with a shiver. “I’m glad we don’t have far to go!”

A short while later the pizza was consumed, the flubs in the play rehashed, and half of the six-pack gone, so it was time for bed. Ray opened the futon and found the one extra blanket for Neil. Then he and Larry retired to the single bedroom. Neil decided to sleep in his tee-shirt and shorts because any more clothing than that would be restrictive and uncomfortable, but in a short time he noticed that he was getting cold. He wondered whether to get dressed again or ask Ray for more covers. He knew that Ray and Larry were still awake because he could hear them laughing in the next room, so he got up, stepped into the bedroom and asked for another blanket.

Ray was distressed and apologetic that he had made such inadequate provisions for his guest. “I’m sorry, I just don’t have another blanket,” he whined. “Why don’t you climb in with us – we’ll warm you up!”

The street light outside provided barely enough light in the room to reveal that the bed was a regular double bed, not a queen or king size, but before Neil could protest that there was not enough room for three people, Ray sprang out of the bed insisting that Neil get in the middle and that there was plenty of room.

“Now we can’t get you warm with all those clothes on,” he commented as he pulled at the bottom of Neil’s tee-shirt.

“Ah-hahahaha!” was Neil’s instant reaction, followed by, “Let me do it.” He realized he would have to take it off since he thought he could see that Ray was naked. As he pulled the shirt off over his head, he was surprised to feel Ray’s fingers at his waist pulling his shorts down at the same time. His torso jerked at the feel of Ray’s hands on his bare skin.

“We have a touchy one here,” Ray exclaimed to Larry, whisking the shorts away as Neil stepped out of them.

As Neil got in the bed next to Larry, it was no surprise to feel that Larry was naked also. “Now push up near the headboard and extend your arms sideways. We will slide down a little so your arms will be a pillow for our necks,” instructed Ray in a tone of voice that conveyed the idea that this was a procedure which had been planned ahead. Confirmation came a moment later when Larry and Ray simultaneously pinned Neil’s legs down with one of their own. Their warm bodies felt comforting against his cold skin, and he had to admit to himself that this was indeed a more efficient way to get warm than by wearing more clothes.

Then it started….a hand brushed lightly across his upper thigh, another hand played with the hair on his stomach, a third hand began counting his ribs. “Nooo! Hahahaha, I’m too ticklish! Hahaheeheehee – don’t, hahaha, stop!

“Don’t stop, you say? That’s fine because we weren’t planning to stop.”

Neil had already begun to raise a hard-on when Ray pulled his shorts down, so by this time he was fully hard and the tickling was making him very horny. Then a fourth hand curled gently around his balls, and he went ballistic! “Aaaaeeee,” he shrieked, bucking and squirming at the overload of sensations from his hyper-ticklish balls. A hot, erotic surge in his cock signaled that he was close to an orgasm as relentless fingers continued their skillful work on the back side of his sensitive balls, and now his ribs on both sides were under attack. His laughter was out of control: “Haha,stop,aaaeee,no!” Breathless as he was, he managed to say, “I’m gonna cum!”

His friends had been waiting to hear that very statement and were ready. Immediately a hand enclosed his swollen cock and lightly rubbed the underside just below the head. At the same moment the hands that were tickling his ribs crawled up into his armpits because these two friends knew that the most ticklish place on his whole body was under his arms. The overwhelming power of his explosive orgasm and the unbearable erotic tickling combined into an experience that made him wonder how close he might have come to a heart attack or a stroke.

The hands were still for a moment; Neil inhaled a much-needed lung full of air, and just as he relaxed with a sigh, a finger, wet with cum, began massaging his piss-slit. They knew his cockhead would be ultra-sensitive right after an orgasm – so sensitive he couldn’t stand for anything to touch it right away.

“Aggghhh” he screamed, and his whole body stiffened and twitched as if he had touched a live electric power line. Then, on cue, the fingers in his armpits renewed their work, and he writhed and laughed hoarsely, helpless to escape the intense tickling that felt so wonderful and yet so unbearable.

Finally they let him rest. “Are you warm enough now?” Ray asked pleasantly.

After the Play