By Keith Steeclif


I waited at the airport with my luggage for a few minutes, giving Ed a chance to get on the highway and head home. Then I went to the rental car booth and picked up the keys to my reserved car. Heading out on the highway myself, I drove to a motel near Ed’s house and checked in. Settling in for the night, I took out my computer, connected to the Internet, and enjoyed some surfing for tickle pictures before retiring for the evening. It was hard to concentrate, however, because I was pre-occupied with my plans for the next day.

Ed was a friend of mine from college. A gorgeous, muscular guy, I had a crush on him throughout school, but he was as straight as they come, so I settled for just being friends. I’d been staying with Ed for a couple days while I was supposedly in town on business. It was really just a set up to execute the plan that I’d devised ever since I first me this amazing hunk.

At 4:00 pm the following day, I parked my rental car several blocks from Ed’s house. During my two days at Ed’s house, I had managed to sneak the spare key. I had a copy made at the local mall and returned the original without Ed noticing. I now used my copy of the key to let myself in his back door.

I headed immediately to the bedroom to prepare. Ed had a large, four poster bed that sat high off the ground. He had a big comforter over his blanket and sheets. I removed the comforter and the blanket and opened my bag of supplies.

I had 15 long strips of cloth. It was actually a sheet that I had cut into the strips. I laid each of the strips horizontally across the sheet, dangling the ends off either side of the bed. Then I replaced the blanket and comforter and remade the bed. Climbing underneath the bed (which was easy to do because it was so high), I tucked the ends of the cloth strips up and out of sight.

Then I made my way down to Ed’s basement, found a cozy little corner with the old beanbag chair that he had throughout college, and settled down for a long wait.

Ed came home about an hour later. I could hear him upstairs in his kitchen making dinner. I sat with my sandwich that I’d picked up at a local deli and ate my dinner in the dark.

I napped a bit and woke up later and could hear the TV. I could imagine Ed upstairs, probably shirtless and definitely barefoot, sprawled out on the couch watching TV. How I wished I could sneak up and get a look, but my plans were too critical to risk getting discovered now. So I sat and I waited.

I napped a bit more and when I awoke the house was quiet. I checked my watch and it was 1:00 am. I knew Ed usually went to bed between 11:00 and 11:30, so I figured it was time to act.

Creeping upstairs, the lower level of the house was dark. Fortunately, I’d mentally mapped out the entire house while I was staying with Ed, so it was a simple matter to navigate around the furniture to the stairs. I slowly crept upstairs.

Ed’s bedroom was at the top of the stairs and he had a nightlight in the hallway. It cast enough illumination for me to peer into his room. Ed was used to living alone, so he didn’t shut his bedroom door. While I was staying with him, I got up early every morning to watch him sleep.

And as I watched Ed now, he proved to be a creature of regular habits. I had noticed on the mornings that I watched Ed sleep, that he usually slept on his back. I remember this from the days in the dorm. He also slept with his feet uncovered. Ed went barefoot whenever possible. In the dorms, this was a killer for me because Ed was barefoot all the time. Even in the winter because they kept the dorms so freaking hot. Now, Ed’s feet were sticking out from the end of the comforter as he snored softly.

Although I knew Ed was a heavy sleeper, my heart was racing as I got down on my hands and knees and crept into the room. I brought my bag with me.

Slowly, carefully, I made my way to the end of Ed’s bed. For a few moments, my face was a mere inch or two from Ed’s bare soles. I admired them as I used to do in college, tempted to touch them, but resisting the urge. Instead, I crawled underneath Ed’s bed and laid on my back looking up at Ed’s soles as they hung off the end of the bed.

Next, I took the ends of the cloth strips and slowly pulled them tight. This was the most critical part of my plan because it was the most likely chance that I would wake Ed too soon. I pulled the cloths slowly until they were tight and then tied the two ends together. I worked my way up from the cloth that laid across Ed’s ankles up to the one that passed over his shoulders. Ed didn’t stir at all.

Now that I had Ed secured to his bed without waking him, it was time to go to work. Returning to my original position of laying on my back and looking up at Ed’s soles, I reached up and started to stroke Ed’s right sole.

I hadn’t touched Ed’s feet since our senior year in college four years ago. And then it was always when Ed was drunk and passed out and too dead to the world to even move. Even then, I could get his toes to wiggle and his feet to jump when I ran my fingers across his bare soles. I always wondered how ticklish Ed must be if his feet were so sensitive when he was totally out.

How I’d longed in college to find out. Unfortunately, I was too shy and frightened then to try anything. There were so many opportunities that I let slip by because I was afraid of being exposed. And now as I think back to all the chances that I missed, I knew it was time to make up for a lot of lost time.

I stroked both of Ed’s soles for a bit, alternating between feet and pausing frequently. Ed didn’t wake up, but his feet were wiggling pretty good. The slightest touch made Ed’s feet jump. I knew I was going to have a great night ahead of me.

It didn’t take long before I bored of the teasing. Coming out from under the bed enough to sit up, I looked straight on at Ed’s bare soles as I started to tickle up and down his right sole.

This time, I didn’t stop after a couple strokes. I ran my fingers up and down, up and down. Ed’s feet started to squirm. He rubbed his feet together.

I couldn’t have that. Taking a couple spare pieces of cloth strips from my bag, I tied one around each of his ankles. Then I wrapped them around the bedposts and pulled gently. Slowly, Ed’s feet came apart. When they were too far apart to touch, I tied off the strips. Then, for good measure, I used another strip of cloth and tied from ankle to ankle, further restricting the lateral movement of his legs.

Once secured, I returned to my tickling, this time tormenting Ed’s left sole. His feet were so soft and warm. Ed’s foot was twitching immediately. This time, Ed’s feet could not rub together. It wasn’t long before Ed started to make grunting noises in his sleep.

As I continued to tickle Ed’s foot without a break, his foot started squirming and he started to giggle in his sleep. Then, with a start, I heard Ed wake up and I stopped my tickling.

From where I was sitting, Ed could not see me and I could not see his face. I listened intently. I heard Ed try to move. Then he tried again and I heard him mutter, “What the…” I began to tickle his feet again.

“Hey,” Ed said, “What’s going on? Who’s there?”

I started scratching his right sole with my fingertips.

“Hey, hee hee! What are you doing? HA HA! Stop that! What are you doing?”

I didn’t say a word. I just kept tickling.

“Stop! Who’s there! You’re tickling me! Please, stop!” he started to beg. Now that Ed was fully awake, I was discovering how incredibly ticklish he was. I was only stroking his soles lightly with my fingers and he was howling. I relished the sound of his laughter. I rejoiced as I watched his feet wiggle and squirm helplessly. I tickled relentless as Ed laughed and laughed and laughed.

I probably tickled Ed’s feet for more than twenty minutes before I gave him his first break. I could hear his panting in the darkness. As soon as Ed could start begging me to let him go, I knew he’d regained his breath and I started phase two.

“No more, hee hee hee,” Ed begged. “HAA! Oh, God, what is that? Is that a feather or something? Oh please no, Ha Ha Ha! Please, not my feet, not a feather on my feet!”

Ed was truly hysterical. I played the feather across his soles and along his toes. Ed’s feet were twitching and squirming like mad. I tickled tortured his feet with the feather for another fifteen minutes before I let him rest again.

For the next two hours, I ran through the gambit of my tickle devices: feathers, brushes, q-tips, hairbrush, making Ed more hysterical with each application. After a while, he just whispered, “Please, no more,” over and over again whenever he had enough breath to speak. I had to let him rest more frequently as my tickle torture was really wearing him out.

I thought about tickling Ed’s torso as well. I always wanted to get my hands on his muscular body. I moved around under the bed and reached up the side until I found Ed’s ribs. They were really ticklish too. Unfortunately, his arms were at his sides and I couldn’t get his armpits. And I couldn’t come up to see his ticklish bod without exposing myself, so after a couple of minutes, I gave up on his torso and moved back to Ed’s bare feet.

I spent the rest of the night tickling Ed’s feet. I’d alternate between long bouts of tickle torture and short reprieves of less cruel tickling.

As the sun started to rise, I knew my time was coming up. Taking my video camera out, I set it up while the sun brightened the room. For the next hour, I gave Ed’s bare feet another workout as I video taped every stroke and tickle.

Then I finished up with a nice foot bathing, licking Ed’s feet from heels to toes. My tongue even tickled his feet as he laughed softly while I coated his beautiful size 11’s with my saliva. When I licked between his toes, this drove him absolutely crazy, laughing hysterically and begging me to stop. Of course, that only spurned me on further and I sucked his toes and licked and chewed his soles until I relieved myself and Ed was completely exhausted.

Packing up my things, I crawled around to the head of the bed again. Reaching up, I tweak Ed’s side and he probably thought I was going to start body tickling him some more. Instead, I felt around for his hand and put a pair of child’s scissors in them. Then I crawled out from under the bed and to the door, staying out of Ed’s line of sight. Then I let myself out of his house and walked back to my car, knowing Ed would be able to cut himself out of his bindings after a bit of time.

I drove back to the airport and waited for my afternoon flight home. Once home, I watched my new video over and over. I wished I could have gotten a shot of Ed’s laughing face and I wish I could have gotten some time with Ed’s ticklish body and adorable armpits, but the video was more than satisfactory.

About a week later, Ed called. He said he wanted to talk to me about something and wondered if he could come up for the weekend. I was nervous about that. Did Ed figure out that it was me? But I couldn’t say no, so I offered to return his recent hospitality and made plans to pick him up at the airport.

When I met Ed that Friday night, he seemed really anxious, but he also seemed glad to see me, so I thought my secret might be safe. I had planned on taking Ed out to dinner, but I could see that he really wanted to talk, so we went back to my place and I ordered a pizza.

When we got to my house, Ed took off his sneakers. Usually, he never wore socks, so I was a little disappointed to notice that he was wearing white anklets. As we waited for the pizza to arrive, we sat on the sofa and Ed began slowly.

“Something happened to me last week,” Ed started, having difficulty getting it out. “Someone broke into my house.”

“Oh my God!” I said, trying to act as surprised as possible. “Did they take anything?”

“No, I was home.”

“You were home, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I guess so. He tied me up. He tied me to my bed. And then he…. Well, he did something to me.”

“Oh no, you don’t mean.”

“Oh, no, not that.” Ed was having a hard time spitting it out. “This is going to sound stupid, but he tickled me. He tickled me really bad.”

“Tickled you?” I was getting hard and trying to hide it, “What do you mean?”

“He tied me to my bed when I was sleeping. Then he tickled my feet all night. I am really, really ticklish, so I was going crazy. I thought the guy was going to actually tickle me to death.”

“Did you call the police?”

“No way. What am I going to tell them? That some guy broke in, tickle the shit out of me, and then left without taking anything.”

“I suppose you’re right, but what do you think he wanted?”

“To be honest, I think he just wanted to tickle me. There were all these strips on my bed, under the blanket. He couldn’t have put them there while I was sleeping, I would have woken up. He must have broken in earlier and set everything up. Then he waited until I was asleep to attack.”

“Who would do that? Do you have anyone who wants to get back at you for anything?”

“No, not that I can think of. Besides, whoever it was, I don’t think he was trying to get back at me for anything. I think he did it because he gets off on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” Ed said, blushing again, “At the end, he didn’t just tickle my feet. He licked them. Licked them all over, and was really intense about it. I think he even came or something. I think it might have been some guy with a foot fetish or something. And since you’re gay, you’re the only person I could talk to about it.”

I was stunned. Ed said I was gay so nonchalantly. I didn’t even think he knew.

“Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m a perv.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t think you’re a perv. I don’t even think this other guy is a perv. I just think it was some guy that was desperate to fulfill a sexual fantasy. So desperate, he risked a jail sentence to break into my house, abduct me, and tickle torture me.”

“So how can I help you?”

“I wanted to get you opinion.”

“About this guy?”

“No,” Ed said, “about my feet.” He took off one of his socks and held his foot up so I could see his sole, “Do you think I have nice feet?”

I couldn’t help but stare at his sole lovingly. “Yeah, your feet are nice.”

Ed took off his other sock and lifted both his feet so that his soles were just a few inches away from my face. “Nice enough to tickle? If you had the opportunity, would you tickle me feet?”

I was getting flustered. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to do. “Yeah, I guess so,” was all I could think to say.

“Then why haven’t you?”

“Why haven’t I what?”

“Why haven’t you tickled my feet? All these years that we’ve known each other and you’ve never tickled my feet once. Why is that?”

“What? Why should I? What are you trying to say?”

“I’m just saying that I go barefoot all the time. Everyone I’ve ever known has tickled my feet at one time or another. Except you. I’ve noticed you looking. You don’t think I have, but I have. Look, but never touched. So why is that? Why is it that you’re the only person that’s never tickled my feet?”

“I don’t know,” I was getting very nervous.

“Oh, I think you do. I think that you have never tickled my feet because you secretly want to so bad. In fact, I bet you’re thinking about tickling my feet right now, aren’t you.” Ed wiggled his toes at me.

“No,” I lied.

“Are you sure?” Ed was wiggling his toes, bringing his soles closer to me, “Because they sure are ticklish. All you’d have to do is reach out and touch my soles and I’ll crack up laughing. Are you sure you don’t want to tickle them?”

I couldn’t stand it for another moment. I reached out and scratched his bare soles. Ed burst out laughing, pulling his feet away, jumping up, and saying, “I knew it. I knew it was you. You know, back in college I remember all those times I woke up in the morning to find you creeping around the end of my bed. I thought you had a thing for me, I had no idea you had a thing for my feet.”

“It’s not like that,” I stammered. “I just like…. I just like tickling, that’s all.”

“So you break into my home. You tie me up and tickle my feet against my will? You saw how ticklish I was, I was dying.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve dreamed about it for so long that it was like a compulsion. I just had to do it. And your feet are so fucking hot, once I started tickling them, I couldn’t stop.”

“You really think so?”

“Think what?”

“That my feet are hot.”

“Shit yeah,” I answered honestly.

Ed sat down on the recliner. He crossed one ankle over his knee so he could look at his own sole. “I don’t get it. What’s the attraction?”

“I don’t know,” I said, embarrassed now. “Your arch, the shape of your toes, the way your soles wrinkle up when you wiggle your toes. It’s just, I don’t know, it’s just incredible.”

“I’ve had gay guys tell me they liked me. Tell me I have a nice body. But no one’s ever told me I have nice feet before. And the tickling. Shit. I thought I was going to jump right out of my skin. You really had me going, you know. I mean, what’d you tickle me for, like six hours or something.”

Ed didn’t seem like he was mad, but I was still very nervous. “I’m sorry,” was all I could manage.

“Where’s the tape?” he asked

. “What tape?” I lied again.

“Come on, I know you made a tape. Where is it?”

I knew I was caught. I went and got the tape and handed it to Ed, expecting me to smash it. He handed it back to me. “Play it.”

“What?” Everything he said shocked me.

“Put it on. I want to watch you watch it.”

I wanted this to be over. I wanted Ed to leave and this to just be the end of it. But I felt like Ed was in charge now, and I had to go with whatever he said. I turned on the TV and VCR and started the tape.

We sat down on the couch together and watched Ed get the soles of his feet mercilessly tickled. I’d watched the tape dozens of times already, but I was still hard in a matter of seconds. Ed noticed.

“There, right there,” Ed commented, pointed to the TV as I was using a feather on his bare right sole. “That was killer. I’d never been tickled with a feather before. And then when you used it on my toes. Yeah, there, oh man, I was dying.”

The play-by-play commentary was too much. I couldn’t stop from rubbing my crotch.

“It turns you on to watch me getting tickled, doesn’t it? I bet you’d love to tickle my feet again, wouldn’t you?” Ed again held his foot up so I could see his sole. Then he put his foot down and took off his shirt. He had a fabulous body.

“What about my stomach and ribs?” he asked, rubbing those parts of his body. Then he raised his massive arms, “Or my armpits. I bet you’d really love to get a shot at my pits. They’re even more ticklish than my feet.”

I was overwhelmed. I was incredibly turned on, but also felt helpless to act. “Please, stop,” I said.

“What’s the matter?” Ed said, flexing his lats so that his armpits formed deep crevasses. “You want to tickle my pits?”

I couldn’t stand it. I pounced on top of Ed, diving my fingers into his armpits. Ed couldn’t get his arms down fast enough and he burst out laughing. But he clamped his arms down quickly. “Not so fast,” he laughed, getting hold of my wrists. He rolled us both off the couch, he was on top of me and I was pinned. He brought my arms down so the that wrists were crossed. Then he grabbed both wrists in one large hand and laid on top of me and my arms, effectively pinning me under he weight while still having his right arm free.

Ed lifted his free arm up over my head, putting his armpit just inches from my nose. “So you want my pits too? You want to tickle my pits?”

He had my pinned and helpless, but I didn’t care. “Yes,” I said.

“You’d like to tie me down again, with my arms up over my head so you could tickle my ribs and armpits?”

“God, yes.” Ed brought his armpit down right into my face.

“Lick it,” he ordered. I obeyed immediately. As soon as my tongue snaked its way through his armpit hair, Ed started to giggle.

“Oh man, see how ticklish I am,” he laughed. He let me lick for a few seconds, but had to pull away before he started laughing out loud.

Ed put his arms down, looked me right in the eyes and said, “How long have you been wanting to tickle me?”

“Ever since I first met you.”

“And it’s taken you six years to do anything. Why?”

“I’ve tickled a few guys in the last couple of years. I’d never done that before. The more I did it, the more I wanted it. And the more I thought about you and how much I wish I’d tickled you in college, I knew I had to take a chance, any chance, to have you.”

“And you figured your business trip was a good excuse for us to get together, but you didn’t dare make a move, right.”

“Actually,” I admitted, “there was no business trip. I faked the whole thing so I could see you again, to see if I had the same feelings for you that I had in college. And when I knew I did, I made plans to come back when you thought I had gone home.”

Ed got up off me. He sat on the floor, leaning his back against the couch.

“You did all that to tickle me? You faked a trip down, scoped out my place, broke in, and held me hostage because he wanted me so bad you didn’t care what happened?”

“Yeah, basically.”


“Look at yourself, man. You’re fucking hot. And you are so freaking ticklish. I don’t expect you to understand, but for a guy like me, into tickling and all, you’re like the ultimate quest.”

“I’m not gay,” Ed said.

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“And I don’t have sex with men.”

“Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”

“But I mean, if you were just tickling me.” Ed was going in a different direction than I was. I liked his direction better.


“I mean, you’d have to take care of yourself. I’m not touching or sucking anything, you understand.”

“Sure, sure,” I said, getting very interested.

“And if I told you to stop, you’d have to stop right away.”

“Of course, anything you want. We could have a safe word.”

“Yeah, a safeword. If I say it, you have to stop right away.”

“I’d stop right away.”

“I’ve never had anyone want me this bad before.”

“Ed, I want you so bad, I can’t describe it.”

“But you’ll stop if I say the safeword?”

“I swear.”

“And I keep my pants on.”

“Of course, I just want to tickle your feet and torso.”

“I guess, then, maybe once, I’ll help you out. I mean, we’ve been friends for a long time, right.”

“Right, right.”

“Any you’d do the same for me, right?”

“Of course, in a second.”

“Okay, then let’s go upstairs.”

I took Ed upstairs and he let me lash him spread eagle to my bed. For the next three hours, I explored every ticklish nook and cranny of Ed’s feet, stomach, ribs, and armpits. His pits really were the most ticklish thing I’d ever encountered in my life. Ed was positively howling.

And the first time he used the safeword, about thirty minutes into it, I thought that was the end. But he just asked me to give him a minute to catch his breath, then invited me to start again. He’d use the safeword several times in the course of my tickling, but he endured. In fact, I was the one having a hard time going on. I wanted to get off so bad, that I almost shot my load many times. But I knew once I did, it was over, so I drew it out as long as I could. Ultimately, it was me that gave into my desire and, with my climax, brought Ed’s tickle torture to an end.

I untied him immediately, wanting to show him that I wasn’t trying to take advantage. Ed was shaky, but he got up and used my shower. When he came out of the shower, still damp with a towel wrapped around his waist, I wanted to jump on him again. He must have seen the look in my eye, because he looked at me and said, “Oh no. Don’t even think about it. I need something to eat.”

Then I remembered the pizza guy. He must have come after I’d started tickling Ed. Ed was probably laughing so loudly, that I never heard the door. I went downstairs and opened the front door. I’d paid for the pizza with my credit card over the phone, so the pizza was sitting on my front stoop. I brought it in, heated it up, and we ate pizza in front of the TV.

At one point, I just turned to him and said, “Ed, thank you.” He was still wrapped in a towel, his bare feet up on my coffee table with his ankles crossed.

“What can I say,” Ed said, putting his arms along the back of the sofa so I got a great view of his entire torso, “Everybody wants me.”

“Don’t get cocky,” I replied. “Remember, I know your weakness.”

“And I know yours,” he said, wiggling his toes at me. “Am I turning you on right now?”

“No, not really,” I lied.

Ed laid on his stomach on the couch, resting his feet up on the armrest so his wrinkled, upturned soles were facing me. “Are you sure?”

“Okay, maybe a little,” I said as I reached out and tickled his bare soles. Ed laughed and flutter kicked the couch. I stopped after a few strokes.

Ed looked back at me. “I have a confession to make,” he said.


“When I went to take a shower, I jerked off.”


“Like I said, I’m not gay or nothing. It was just all that tickling was over stimulating, you know what I mean. I had to work off some of that.”

“You know what I heard?” I said.


“That right after a guy comes, he’s even more ticklish.”

“Really, is that true?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never had a chance to test it out.”

“Well, I’m going to be here for three days. If you’re nice, I might just give you a chance to try it out.”

“You’d better get your gorgeous feet out of my face, or I won’t be able to wait to try it out now.”

“You tickle my feet a little bit, if you want,” Ed said, “If you give me a nice foot massage first.”

“You wouldn’t be getting into this, by any chance, are you?”

“No way, but if you are going to get what you want, I want to get something out of it too. I figure a nice foot massage would feel good, and you’d get another chance at my feet.”

“Sounds fair to me.”

“Then hop to it, boy, my feetsies are waiting.”

“You’re going to kill me, you now that. When you leave, I am going to be able to think of nothing else.”

“Then you’d better get out that video camera of yours. You’ll need something to remember this weekend by.”

“Are you for real?” I asked, shocked yet again.

“Hey look, if it really weirded me out, we wouldn’t be here now. You’d bee a bloody mess on the floor and I’d be on a flight back home. No matter what, you’re my friend. And if you’ve been holding this torch for me for all this years. Rather, if you’ve been holding this feather for me all these years, then the least I can do is give you something. So go get that camera and let it roll.”

I took twenty-three hours of tape over the course of the next four days (Ed extended his stay). However, I don’t get a chance to watch them much. I’ve sold my house and moved in with Ed, so I usually just play the videos in the background while I’m tickling the shit out of him.

Have I mentioned that Ed is not gay?

That’s What Friends are For