By Du


Dramatic Arts Bulletin Board WANTED: Heterosexual, (Straight), Dudes (straight acting/looking Gay Dudes might be considered) Must: be legal, i.e. at least age of Majority, no older than twentynine. On a scale of one to ten, where 1/10 = not very ticklish 5/10 = very ticklish 10/10 = screamingly, insanely, hysterically ticklish
+10/10 = $$$ for YOU; need to be at a minimum 5/10; be foot ticklish; be armpit ticklish; be rib, sides, belly ticklish.

For: Short Feature Movie Shoot.

Pluses: the more ticklish you are, the better your chances of getting hired; and $ increases with ticklishness Required:

Proof of Age Proof of Ticklishness, (HINT: You HAVE to Submit your ticklish bits for test tickling!) Givens: You WILL be TICKLED on the soles of your bare feet everyplace above your waist

You WILL be VIDEOED during said tickling You WILL be PAID Handsomely! You WILL be REQUIRED to sign off ANY and ALL Distribution Rights in Perpetuity PRIOR to being paid ‘G’ Rated, So… No Genital Nudity or Touching Positions Available: Four (4)

Several out of work would be actors passed this bulletin board every day. Most of them paused to at least scan it for acting opportunities, money making jobs. Pretty well every gay dude stopped, just out of sheer annoyance that they were precluded from applying. Some straight dudes, on seeing the requirements to be ticklish, hurried on without bothering to read any further. Some not so ticklish dudes looked at the whole advertisement, and considered whether they could ‘fudge’ their way through the ‘test tickles’ and appear ticklish enough to get hired. Most of them reasoned that the test tickling would likely go on longer than they could reasonably feign ticklishness; so they kept going. Many who fit the criteria gave the advertisement several reads… trying to ‘read between the lines’ for any subtext.

You could tell who these dudes were… They shuffled from one foot to the other. They looked furtively about to see if anyone was watching them read the advertisement. If another guy stopped to read what they were reading, they quickly moved off, circled back, waiting their chance, biding their time, to read the advertisement… unhindered as it were. There was an email address at the bottom for them to copy down and send in their… uhmmmmm… application. Sometimes, a group of guys stopped to read it… and tease each other about what a ‘good’ job opportunity. The teasing in these groups of dudes more or less devolved, or depending on your point of view, evolved into a tickle fight of some sort. By ten O’clock that evening; more than eighty emails had been fired off to the listed address.

Eighty dudes. Eighty ticklish dudes. Eighty ticklish dudes willing to be tickled on camera, albeit for money, but still willing to be tickled… on camera. Eighty ticklish dudes, knowing that their faces could become well known. Not for any acting ability per se, but for their over-the-top ticklishness. Preserved forever, for their public to see! Each received a confirmation email from the Producers.

Each were invited to the ‘cattle call’. Auditions would take all week to winnow down the applicants to the select few, well, four and surprisingly, four ‘understudies’. All had to show up each and every day, regardless of whether they had auditioned or not. Three cameras were set up at different angles on the stage of the auditorium. The auditorium was big enough for three hundred people, and eighty nine applicants were crowded into the first ten rows. Ticklish dudes seating themselves next to other ticklish dudes! Ticklish dudes who knew the dudes sitting next to them, in front of them, behind them were also ticklish. Tickling. Ticklish.

Ticklishness. The latter three words was very much on all of their conscious minds. Some of these dudes looked boldly at their would-be competition, trying to ‘size’ them up. Some of them, quite frankly, had that ‘ticklish’ look to them. “Ticklish look?” To look at them, one of the first impressions you had of them was, ‘Say, that dude look’s ticklish!’ These were clearly the dudes to beat, the ones in the running. And of these, those who looked ticklish that is, knew that they looked ticklish, knew that they were ticklish, and that they were going to be tickled no matter what… that is, whether they got the role or not, tickling, being tickled, was just a feature of their lives.

That was because any would-be tickler could not help themselves…. tickling a ticklish looking dude was the most obvious thing in the world. Ticklish looking dudes of the world all needed tickling. Each of the ‘actors’ were given a clip board, an application form, and a pen. The application form was very personalized. As each dude walked in, he posed in front of a web cam, had his picture taken, his name and date of birth entered…. then the application form was printed out on the spot for him to complete. The top right one quarter of the form was a colour photo of their smiling face. Particulars that needed to be filled in included weight, height, shoe size, waist, leg inseam, neck size, shirt size.

They had to list in order of most ticklish to least ticklish various places on their bodies, and apply their best guess-estimate of that area’s ticklishness on a scale of one to ten. They had to sign an agreement… Basically, an agreement to be tickled, pretty well every where on their bodies, excluding a certain one percent of their body surface area… and… to be tickled by other guys. They were agreeing to being filmed during audition, and if awarded a ‘role’ for the filming itself. Any audition tapes were the sole property of the film company. Not a one of them balked at signing the agreement. Not a one of them hesitated at answering each and every question about their ticklishness honestly and without embarrassment…. though most of them were a tad self conscious of making such revelations on paper. Not a one of them would openly discuss their ticklishness with anyone, not even their closest friends, voluntarily.

Each in turn stood in front of a large white screen. They were given a script from which to read in response to a dialogue read by an assistant. Each dutifully raised their arms above their heads, clasping their hands behind their heads, and allowed strangers to poke and tickle their upper bodies. Most dudes showed up on their own. There were three pairs of identical twin brothers! Other dudes arriving in groups of two or more… most were close friends, some were actually cousins.

On stage, some poor schmuck was braying like a donkey, falling to his knees laughing uproariously… trying, trying to keep his armpits open to his tickle tormentor. He had an audience of eighty-eight other schmucks smiling at his ticklish antics, but shivering about their own impending public tickling. Jarrod sitting next to his twin Jamie leaned over and commented that the upper body tickling he could take… it was having his feet bared and tickled that worried him. Jaimie nodded in agreement, but was looking around the room to try and spot anyone they knew… expecially anyone who didn’t already know how ticklish they were. Being known as ticklish was a bad thing! Stage schmuck was catching his breath post-tickling now, and removing his shoes and socks.

He sat on a long bench, extending his legs in front of him, his bare soles facing the audience. Two dudes, each sitting cross-legged, bracketing his feet, careful not to block anyone view of stage schmuck’s soles; began running their fingers lightly up and down his soles. Even though he had prepared himself, he yelped and yanked his feet away. Three times he did this… the slightest contact being waaaay more than he could tolerate. His ticklers looked at him, and then to the producer/director. Stage schmuck looked sheepish, shrugging helplessly… “I might need a little help in keeping my feet still…” his voice drifted off… couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence… keeping his feet still for the tickling. The producer looked around and up into the audience of waiting ticklees.

Jarrod suddenly had his hand up… “My brother and I can help out with that!” Then without waiting for a reply, Jarrod gave Jamie’s shoulder a squeeze, then started down to the stage. Jamie blanched, then cursing silently to himself, followed his brother down to the stage. Jarrod straddled the schmuck’s lower legs, and clasping his hands firmly around the dude’s ankles, holding them in place. Jerking his head over his shoulder, he signal-ed Jamie to take up station behind him. The twins, back to back, Jarrod facing the audience, pinning the dude’s ankles, and Jamie’s hands pushing down on the dude’s upper thighs.

The combined weight of the twins and their muscular grip assured that this time, the schmuck’s bare feet would not jerk away involuntarily. The tickling resumed after the producer changed one of the camera ankles to better capture the schmuck’s facial reactions, and another camera to catch the twins holding the poor bastard down. Schmuck whispered thank-you to Jamie just before the first sensations from his soles reached his consciousness.

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…..hahahahahaha….” He jerked violently, tried desperately to yank his feet free, tried to look around the twins to see what was happening to his feet, as if seeing it would mitigate the awful tickles coursing up and down his soles. To prevent himself from punching Jamie, schmuck threw his arms around Jamie, hugging him tightly, rocking back and forth, riding out the tickle storm raging all over his feet.

It felt like it went on forever. It lasted fifteen solid minutes. Schmuck never relented in his laughter, screaming, jerking around protests to this ticklish assault on his sanity. When it was over, it was a good minute before schmuck relaxed his grip on Jamie, another half minute before he let him go. Jamie made no effort to dislodge the dude, just waited, biding his time patiently. “Errrrh, thanks… sorry about holding onto you like that… my feet… my feet… their kinda…” Schmuck stammered out to Jamie.

Jamie laughed and finished schmucks sentence for him… “Ticklish! Duh, you think?” Schmuck’s turn to laugh, this time voluntarily, for the first time in the last thirty minutes or so. “Jamie” introduced himself, sticking out his hand.

“Jenner” Schmuck answer back, introducing himself. “Hope I can return the favour.” then he laughed again. “Hmmmph, I’m sure I’ll need you too.” Jamie responded back with more laughing, getting himself up off of Jenner’s thighs. His brother Jarrod was already off of Jenner’s ankles, and introducing himself.

“Hope I can count on you for the same help.” Jarrod said grimly. “Absolutely!” Jenner nodded enthusiastically. Both twins faced the audience, and unbidden, doffed their shirts, and held their arms high above their heads, exposing their pits, ribs and sides. The ticklers looked to the producer who nodded, and kept on filming. Both twins roared enthusiastically, doubled over, but straightened up, and took the tickling like men, like ticklish men.

A patter of applause greeted them. When it came time to demonstrate their foot ticklishness, Jenner remained on stage to help hold their feet in place. The ticklers were remarkably gifted in eliciting the most ticklish reactions. Jenner, Jarrod and Jamie appreciated and hated their talent all at the same time.

And so it went, throughout the remainder of the week.

Another pair of young men presented themselves one after the other. Unbeknownst to the casting director, these two dudes were lovers, and thus not amongst the ‘demographic’ sought after in the posting. They presented themselves as cousins, as indeed they were, sharing the same last name, their respective fathers being brothers.

I guess you might think of them as the proverbial ‘kissing’ cousins. Trevor Tecumseh and Beau Tecumseh had been each others favourite cousin for as long as they could remember. Given their deep and abiding friendship, and the circumstance that they were gay, it seemed only natural that they should become lovers. They knew enough that their respective households would be doubly shocked not just that they were gay, but horrors, blood relatives as well. Aside from the biblical injunctions decrying homosexuality, there was incest too! Thank goodness that their pairing would not result in any genetically impaired offspring….. all that damned inbreeding you know. Trevor and Beau both discovered a means to vent their pent-up sexual frustrations and basic need to be touching each other. Tickle Wars! Both Trevor and Beau were off the scale ticklish!

It was as teens, when their budding sexuality was in full hormonal romp, Trevor found himself to be very hard while doing tickle battle with Beau. Beau was pinned beneath him, Trevor astride Beau’s hips and laying forward atop his chest. Trevor had one of Beau’s arms pinned above Beau’s head, with Trevor’s weight leaning on the other. With his free hand, Trevor roamed all over his ticklish cousin’s left side, from the bony crest of his hip to the near hairless hollow of Beau’s armpit. Beau was belting out laughter for he was worth as he writhed beneath his cousin’s wiggling fingers. They were reasonably matched in size and physique, so if he really wanted too, Beau could have freed the arm snugged to his side by Trevor’s weight. But Beau was having too much fun! Oh the tickling was definitely undoing him. Part of him, a big part of him wanted desperately to escape the tickles, yet another part of his libido wanted it to keep going… wanted to see where being tickled continuously would lead him.

Trevor was very elated at having the upper hand. Trevor loved dominating his cousin, using Beau’s incredible ticklishness to completely screw him over. Trevor likewise did not mind if the roles were reversed. For Trevor, the heart and soul of his ticklishness resided…. in his soles… and cousin Beau seemed to know just how to finger the undersides of his feet, socked or bared in such a way as to completely devastate him. Both had noticed of late that they were getting erections… that is, they noticed it in themselves, not each other. Both puzzled and puzzled over what this could mean. They would figure it out eventually. So…… As Trevor laid atop cousin Beau…. tickling him silly, Beau squirming, writhing, laughing… trying to ride it out, but his own body getting more frantic to escape Trevor’s skillful tickles…. and Trevor, adjusting his weight and position to keep Beau trapped and receiving tickles, unabated tickles…. that Trevor’s hips ground against Beau’s… and Beau’s hips ground against Trevor’s.

They were both fully clothed. They were also both fully erect. Their teen shafts sliding by and atop one another. Beau didn’t want it to stop. Trevor didn’t want it to stop. Beau worked his right hand free… and did the most curious thing… he slid his right arm behind his head, grasping his left elbow, with his left hand grasping his right elbow. “Trev….” Beau gasped to his cousin.

Trevor eased up on the tickles to let Beau say what was on his mind. “Use both ‘yer hands… slide ’em under my shirt… don’t stop tickling…” Needing no further encouragement, Trevor adjusted his position to get both his hands on his cousin’s bare skin. Their hips broke contact during this adjustment… but both of them were too far gone to stop themselves now. Trevor resumed tickling Beau, his fingers buried in Beau’s armpits, Trevor upped his tempo, went into tickle overdrive. Beau’s grip on his own arms broke from the spike in tickling, but he managed to stop himself from interfering with Trevor’s wickedly good tickling. Both were sliding up and down each others clothed bodies, Trevor’s face buried in the crook of Beau’s neck, snorting and panting… all the while Beau’s laughter was climbing in octaves and volume. It happened first for Beau.

His laughter suddenly caught in his throat… his chest felt like a vacuum, his body seized up rigidly as the strongest orgasm he had yet to experience coursed through his shaft, his shaft head, then washing over him like some kind of tsunami. Waves of pleasure were still crashing in on him as the incessant tickles broke back into his consciousness, and took over his complete attention once more. Trevor’s hands were wrapped around the outsides of Beau’s armpits, his fingers spreading across the shoulder blades. his thumbs gyrating and pummelling Beau’s ticklishness. Then it was Trevor’s turn. The pleasure of it was so intense that Trevor’s thumbs froze in place. Trevor fell into oblivion! The madness, the madness! Both cousins lay very still afterwards, panting, young chests heaving. Finally, Trevor rolled off of Beau.

“Ohmygawd!” whispered Trevor. “Fucking ‘A'” Beau whispered back in agreement. After awhile, they both sat up, neither quite sure of how to handle this development. “I shot my load.” Beau offered frankly.

“Me too.” Trevor said simply. “Think it was the tickling?” Beau asked, truly interested. “Part of it, definitely part of it, but there’s more I think…” Trevor answered thoughtfully. “What should we do?” Beau asked a little tremulously. Trevor sat up, pulled off his socks, tossing them aside… “Lay on top of my legs, get an arm lock on my ankles… I’ll try not to kick you off… but you might have to tie my feet together if you can’t hold on to them.”

Trevor didn’t have to tell Beau what Beau’s free hand would be doing. To give Trevor credit, he laughed for quite awhile before both he and Beau reached the conclusion that some duct tape around the ankles might facilitate things… and free up both of Beau’s hands to wreak havoc on Trevor’s bared soles in the bargain. Both were on their way to their second orgasm of the day… the first two of many the two would enjoy together from then on. Back to the present… The Auditorium… “Cousins, eh?” queried the casting director.

“Yes Sir!” both Trevor and Beau chimed. “Hmmmmph, ever tickle each other?” mused the casting director. Trevor answered for them both, sort of minimizing though how much tickling figured in both of their lives… “Welll… we know where each other’s sweet spots are… I can say that much.” then he laughed. “Cool, very cool.” said the director. “OK, lets see what you two have got, we’ll start with you Trevor.”

Casting Call